Less Overwhelmed.

More Fulfilled.

I help individuals tap into who they are and what they want, so they can feel less overwhelmed and more fulfilled.

Young Professionals

Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? Better yet: God, what is your will for my life??

These were questions that RIDDLED me as a 20-something navigating a post-grad world, and topics no one really prepares you for. They're also questions that hardly get answered even well into adulthood if you aren't intentional about exploring them.

As your coach, we will create a framework of who you are, who you want to be, and what you were uniquely gifted to do-- then use that framework to create the life you want to live through actionable steps. We’ll also navigate any roadblocks that come up along the way. Most of us hold onto unconscious limiting beliefs that hold us back from being our best selves. We’ll work through those together as they come up and partner to establish meaningful outcomes that help you make progress toward your overarching goals.

Working Moms

Ask the working moms in your life (especially the ones in the trenches of raising littles) what is the biggest challenge they face right now, and many will tell you the challenge of doing it all. Balancing work and life. Being a mom and having a career. Managing the day-to-day of caring for these tiny humans, and our desire (or necessity) to work outside the home, and running a household while staying sane and practicing “self-care”, and managing the expectations of the world around us.

Whew. Deep breath. The great news is: caring about doing it all well already qualifies you as a good mom and a wise steward of your resources. My job is to help you tap into who you are (maybe it’s been a while since you’ve seen her!), what is truly important to you, and how to build a life you enjoy and find fulfillment in with tangible action steps that reflects those values.

Employer Branding

If it's important for YOU to know your why, your mission, and your Core Values (and I think it is!), how much more important for your business to get clear too?

Helping businesses create clarity around their Employer Branding & workplace culture is one of my favorite things to do because it positively impacts everyone the organization touches-- customers, employees, and you as the employer! Together, we will create systems and documents that clarify who you are as a business and the experience you will provide for your team and customers.

I believe that God made us intentionally. He put talents and passions within us and when we lean into those gifts, we will be more fulfilled because we are living in alignment with who we were made to be. My job through coaching is to help you realize and develop your God-given gifts and passions so that you can reach your full potential-- being all you were created to be! While I believe we could all use more fulfillment and less overwhelm, I especially love and feel called to work with young professionals, working moms, and small businesses.

I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching.

I’ve spent the last 7 years working with a multi-unit Chick-fil-A Operator helping him to streamline communication throughout his rapidly growing organization and develop his high-performing leaders.

I began my career with a degree in Digital and Broadcast Journalism from the University of Georgia and an eagerness to start wherever the local radio station needed me in hopes of one day being a radio star. My first two years out of college were spent reporting the afternoon news and traffic, working odd hours, taking on additional part-time jobs to cover my expenses, and coming home drained and listless because the work didn’t tap into my natural gifts the way I hoped it would. I pivoted to stay in communications as an Account Lead at a Public Relations firm. The emphasis on workplace culture rejuvenated me, and my $32,000 a year salary felt like a million dollars relative to my previous income. But I soon found the work proved to feel a little empty (even though I had amazing clients doing awesome things!) and I wondered why. I started down a major path of self-discovery which led to fried chicken of all things.

The local Chick-fil-A Operator needed someone to help him communicate with and develop his growing leaders. Seven years later, our Chick-fil-A organization has grown from $12 million in sales to $30 million, and I have worked with dozens of high-performing young leaders all pursuing the question on every young adult’s mind: what am I going to do with the rest of my life? At Athens Chick-fil-A, I created a leadership development program for college graduates who want to invest 2 to 3 years in our organization and invest in their personal and professional growth to propel themselves to whatever is next. My work has become primarily one-on-one development time with these leaders helping them answer the questions about who they are, what they enjoy, and what they want to do with their lives then creating action steps to get them there.

In those last few years, I’ve gotten married and started a family—two babies in two years, in fact. When I say I’ve been in the thick of it—I’ve been in the thick of it. But when your time, energy, and resources become even more limited, they also become more valuable. Because of this, I have become even more intentional about deciding what kind of work outside of caring for my family will bring me the most joy, fulfillment, and purpose while paying the bills. I want to help other moms get really clear on what this looks like for them and then help them build action plans to make those dreams a reality.

I’ve had many jobs in my life (one time four at once!) and what I know to be true about you as an employer is that you want your business to thrive. It will not thrive without a foundation of clear Vision, Mission, and Values through which every business decision will be made. I’ve worked with a thriving company in the last 7 years that knows how to do this well. I love helping businesses create these strategies that will create alignment and clarity for your employees and customers.


Coaching is a solutions-focused, action-oriented partnership that helps people create and experience the life of their choosing.


Coaching helps people identify their Core Values, challenge their belief systems, and learn why they are (or aren’t) doing certain things.


Coaching challenges people to take the time to focus on what they really want—often we are pursuing things without taking the time to really think about why we’re pursuing them-- and helps them discover and break through what is holding them back from that success.


Coaching will challenge you to look at things differently, help you discover what you truly want in life, support you with designing step-by-step action plans for achieving your goals and hold you accountable for taking action.

"My sessions with Mary Ashley have helped me make progress in a lot of areas that I have been stagnant in for a long time and have made me consider things that I have not at all before. I really appreciate the time we spent working through the things I value most!"

- Jeri Franklin, Athens Maintenance Solutions Chief Financial Officer

"Mary Ashley was a tremendous asset for our team as we navigated opening a brand new small business. She coached us through the process, helped create our vision and core values, and helped us turn our ideas into intentional words. She even completed a culture training for our employees. We would have been lost without her help and guidance. She is such a joy to work with!"

- Blake Arnold, Small Business Owner

"Mary Ashley has helped shape the professional and person I am. When I graduated college and needed direction, she helped to equip me with the knowledge, resources, and personal time I needed to grow into the professional I am today. There was never a challenge we couldn't find the answer to. Her kind, compassionate, and straightforward counsel is a major catalyst for my success."

- Marisa Bartholomew, Asst. General Manager of Chick-fil-A Restaurant

"Mary Ashley is a naturally gifted communicator and she truly cares about those she is developing. Mary Ashley intently listens with an objective view to provide wise and honest feedback. Prior to meeting with Mary Ashley, I had no previous experience with a professional coach. She met me where I was and walked alongside me as I learned about myself. Mary Ashley helped me to navigate and discover core truths about myself that I had not yet realized. Once discovering these truths, Mary Ashley provided the resources and tools for me to best articulate the story I wanted to tell. I am grateful for the support and guidance I have received from Mary Ashley and would highly recommend her to those interested in self discovery."

- Sarah Newbauer, Chick-fil-A Operator Candidate + mom of 3

"When I started with Mary Ashley, I was very unclear on my purpose and values. I had achieved most of my personal and professional goals, but I felt unfulfilled and directionless. I’d reached the end of my own self awareness, and needed help getting to a place of peace and confidence. Over the last few months, she has helped me uncover a number of limiting beliefs that have been the key to a deeper understanding of who I am and who I was created to be. Just this week, I was finally able to articulate my unique strengths and contribution - something that I haven’t been able to do in years, maybe ever. I deeply trust her wisdom, perspective and intention and can’t imagine where I’d be without her guidance."

- Keri Patrick, Chick-fil-A Corporate Operations Lead

Interested in coaching but not sure if it’s for you or how you might use it? Shoot me a message and we’ll talk it through. Have other questions about my services? Use the form below to let me know.

Talk to you soon!